“Guardians of the Afterworld” and “Nosso Lar” talk about the Afterlife

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Guardians of the Afterworld by Dr. Stafford Betty, released January 2024, and Nosso Lar: Life in the Spirit World as dictated by the spirit Andres Luiz to Francisco Candido Xavier, released in 1944 and translated into English, are both books about life beyond bodily death. The former is a work of fiction that compiles years of Dr. Betty’s study of what one aspect of the afterlife may be like based on religious texts and scientific survival studies. The latter is written like a biography, if you will, of a physician who had crossed over to a plane of existence called Nosso Lar. 

Guardians follows two fictional characters, Numen and Sephia. The first chapter deals with the development of the guardians from two planets in the Milky Way that are very different from Earth. With their mentor, Fruva, they adapt to their new human spirit forms and positions as guardians of the astral realm just above our own, populated with discarnates. The remainder of the book follows them through the difficulties of running this astral level.

Nosso Lar follows Andres Luiz as he navigates the spiritual bureaucracy that apparently exists in the discarnate realm, which helps those in the Umbral region (think Purgatory) overcome the individual issues that keep them from spiritual growth and advancement. He must also shed the earthly attitudes of core family identities to include all people as sisters and brothers.

In Guardians, the victims of the war between Ukraine and Russia continue their conflict in the astral plane, causing Numan and Sephia to address them all.

In Nosso Lar, since this was written on the advent of World War II, the governor must address those who are concerned about loved ones still on Earth and quell the fear and anxiety of the newer members as war looms in Europe.

If either of these accounts is true, we may expect a similar existence as our kind of hierarchical structure on Earth. However, we will have spiritual capabilities and a greater awareness of the different astral levels or spheres that lead to higher and higher levels of growth and abilities. To ascend to these higher spheres, one is expected to work toward one or many goals, assist others toward advancing into the astral from the Umbral, and find forgiveness and love toward each other. Almost every religious Earthly text states those goals as a necessary requirement for heavenly entrance, so it shouldn’t be surprising.

In Guardians, Numen is curious about the lower realm, where people dwell in fear of the astral plane, thinking that they must exist as they did when they lived on Earth. They continue to slink along dirty streets, imbibing on the sins and addictions they had grown so accustomed to…still living in the flesh instead of the spirit. He meets Pol Pot, once a dictator on Earth, who could not relieve himself of the belief that those he had killed were a necessary sacrifice for the welfare of the state. He followed a path that led nowhere and could not be convinced that it was futile. Numen and Sephia would meet astral dwellers who would frequent these lower planes, trying to convince these discarnates that they were living in a hell they created for themselves.

Andres Luiz, as a physician on Earth, wanted to continue his work in Nosso Lar. When he was allowed to work with “patients” in the spiritual realm, he found that his earthly focus on the physical body left him ignorant about the conditions he would see at this particular hospital. These people in transition from the lower realm were to be spiritually rehabilitated to advance into Nosso Lar or be sent back to the lower realm. 

What is striking about both accounts is that every human (and alien) soul has free will to follow the path of spiritual awareness and advancement or fall further into the clutches of a corporeal focus. Many of those atheists or agnostics I speak with say that they can’t believe there is a god who would allow human suffering. But human suffering is a composition of human choice, not the will of God or whatever primary consciousness that runs things. If the autocrats of the world simply chose to uplift the people of their countries rather than think their path is the only, best route, perhaps there would not be war in Ukraine or Gaza right now. If large corporations put more emphasis on people rather than profit, perhaps we wouldn’t be humans suffering from income disparity, climate change, and radicalism. The goal of life on Earth is to find the path toward spiritual enlightenment, fraternity, and forgiveness, recognizing that we are all connected and that none of us knows the path the other must follow in this existence. It is not like these are the only two texts that emphasize this…there are thousands. It is not as if the spiritual realm doesn’t try its level best to send us clues….we’re simply ignoring them.

NOTE: Dr. Stafford Betty will be interviewed on Friday, June 14th at 7 PM EST via Zoom. Please go to Rhine.org for more information.