Remote Viewing versus Out-of-Body Experience

“Is it live or is it Memorex” said the twentieth-century advertisement for that brand of audio tape. According to Memorex, Ella Fitzgerald could shatter a glass even if her voice was a taped recording. Yes tape, not digital. This is a metaphor to describe the difference between Out-of Body-Experience (OBE), and Remote Viewing.

Psychosoma is the scientific term for an OBE which is similar to astral projection. Imagine lying on your bed in a relaxed state and suddenly, you’re viewing your body from the ceiling in your room. If you have an adventurous spirit and aren’t terrified by the experience, you’ll go flying out of your window or through your wall like Peter Pan. Your senses become heightened, hearing a bug crawling in the grass or watching the molecules of water interact with one another. Raindrops pass through your aural hand and distance is no object. Reality is your playground and matter doesn’t matter anymore. Eventually, you pop back into your corporeal self on that bed bummed that you have to get up to use the bathroom.

Near-Death Experience is one of the most commonly known OBEs in pop culture. However, Near-Death Experiencers have claimed that after they witness separation from their corporeal selves, their spirit moves into a tunnel, toward a light, or some otherworldly event. Many who have had an NDE claim a new psychic ability, heightened awareness or change in personality once they return to their bodies. OBEs appear to be a simple separation of consciousness from the corporeal.

Lucid Dreaming is also different from OBEs because everything in a lucid dream is happening in a dream state. Although it seems like the spirit has left the building, it’s actually able to manipulate the reality of the subconscious. People who practice lucid dreaming have a test for themselves to prove that they are, in fact, dreaming. For instance,  if they are driving a car in their dream, they’ll test whether it’s reality by making the car fly or perhaps turn into an elephant.

Many have claimed a spontaneous OBE without having consciously tried to attempt it. As you can imagine, it’s about as frightening as being chased through your house by an ax murderer. However, once these experiencers come back down from the ceiling, literally, they either want to try it again and take the incorporeal self out for a spin, or they don’t ever want it to happen again. Attempting OBE when you’ve never done it before is an arduous path of mind-preparation. Like all other psychic skills, everyone has a different level of ability and everyone does it differently. No one method works for all.

Remote Viewing is very similar to OBE except Remote viewers don’t claim that their consciousness has left the body, it’s more like their awareness is traveling.

Remote Viewing is one of the more useful of the psychic skills. The CIA used Remote Viewers to spy on Soviet targets by using Coordinate Remote Viewing during the Cold War. The psychics would receive map coordinates and be asked to describe what was there. After spending some time concentrating on the location, they would draw a picture or verbally describe what they saw. This was not as accurate as a spy plane or satellite because psychic ability is not time-dependent. The Viewers might have the layout described correctly, but not the people present, or may see a structure that had once been there but subsequently torn down. The CIA only funded project Star Gate as it was called, for about a decade transferring the program to other Department of Defense arms. Altogether, the program lasted about twenty years with both strong proponents funding it and strong skeptics demanding it be dismantled.  

Associated Remote Viewing is more like targeted precognition. Instead of a set of coordinates, the tester uses objects or photographs that are as different as possible. Each picture represents one of two outcomes. The Remote Viewer will send their awareness into the future to see one of the objects or pictures. When the Remote Viewer is done seeing into the future, they return to the present and either draw or describe the object or picture. The tester will then compare the description or the drawing to the object or picture and then record the potential future outcome. If the outcome has been accurately predicted, then the Remote Viewer gets credit. It’s best to ask for a binary outcome such as “up/down” like stock market values, or “Yes/no” for answering a simple question. This method was tested using the outcome of the silver market. Of course, there are other derivatives to the CRV or ARV methods depending on what needs to be achieved. Oubounder Remote Viewing involves a human target in a specific location unknown to the tester and the Remote Viewer. The Remote viewer may use a form of telepathy to discern the location. However, the more complicated the location, the harder it is for the Viewer to discern. Read more about Remote Viewing.