The Clairs

No, I’m not talking about a group of Millennials that share the name “Clair” and happen to finish each other’s sentences or manage to wear the same color clothing on the same day. This term is parapsychological shorthand for the psychic senses. As you know, there are the five main senses: touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste, but there are also the psychic equivalents of these each with their own “Clairs”. There are three main types of Clairs: clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient as well as other Clairs that I will refer to later in this post.

Clairvoyance has been best described as “inner sight” or the ability to see something without using one’s physical eyes. Clairvoyance literally means “Clear vision” so under that broad umbrella are different ways a psychic can pick up information. A common way clairvoyance manifests itself is through the perception of auras. Auras are considered to be the energies that emanate from and surround a body or object. Clairvoyants can “read” these auras based on how strong or weak they are and by their colors as they perceive them. Many claim that they can detect illness or other issues through aural reading. Some Clairvoyants claim that they can see spirit guides, symbols, or can view a virtual video related to a person or object using this ability. Clairvoyants are, on average, visual learners and highly observant. Some common ways Clairvoyance can manifest itself in the untrained psychic is through flashes of light, vivid dreams and seeing unexplained movement from just out of sight.

Clairaudients utilize “Clear Hearing” as their primary psychic skill. As with Clairvoyants, they perceive all manner of information through hearing it without using their external ears. The sounds can range from musical sounds, quiet internal voices, louder exterior voices or tones that can simulate tinnitus (ringing or buzzing). This particular psychic ability can be disturbing to the inexperienced psychic making them think they are suffering from schizophrenia or actual tinnitus. However, developing the ability further through meditation can help clarify the voices and sounds into a clear message. Clairaudients tend to be better at auditory learning, may excel musically and may be easily inspired by a song. Although they may not be introverts, Clairaudients do enjoy quiet time to hear their inner world of sound.

Clairsentience is clearly feeling a message through taste, touch or smell. Information received this way is more like a “gut feeling” or intuition about a person or a decision. However, it’s a bit stronger than that. Clairsentients claim an actual gut feeling or shivers down their bodies as they confirm a message. Some claim smelling flowers or perfume associated with a loved one who has passed on or a tug on their bodies that leads them somewhere. Those with Clairscence only experience psychic smells while those with Clairgustance only experience psychic taste.

There are some other Clairs such as Claircognizance, Clairtangency, and Clairempathy. Claircognizants have knowledge about a person or object simply pop into their minds with amazing accuracy.  Clairtangents utilize a method known as psychometry to gain knowledge from an object through touch. Clairempaths have stronger than normal empathy for people or animals. They may mirror emotions or even illnesses of the target and are especially good at communication with animals.

The Clairs are not just for Telepaths, Mediums can also utilize these methods of communication with discarnates (those who have died). Those who teach others how to expand their particular Clair often refer to the Chakras or the centers of energy within the human body as described in several ancient Eastern religions. Each of the Clairs relates to a particular Chakra and if focused on during meditation, the skill can develop further.